
Contribute to the Foundation

Whether you make a single contribution, organise a fundraising event or include us as a beneficiary in your will, we are extremely grateful for every kind of donation.

Where your money goes

The Foundation uses the funds it receives only for the purpose designated by the donator. We guarantee that your donation will be used efficiently and productively to support promising projects with research grants

Donate as a Company

Companies that would like to get involved with a specific project or are planning a large one off donation are kindly asked to contact us to discuss further details.

Wills and Legacies

By making a will, you decide how your money is used after your death. Why not leave a legacy and help future generations by supporting our clinical research. We recommend you speak with your solicitor to ensure your will is set up properly therefore protecting yourself and your loved ones. Your legacy is very valuable to us. Thank you. If you’d like to contribute in a currency other than Swiss Francs or Euros, please let us know via our contact page.

If you’d like to contribute in a currency other than Swiss Francs or Euros, please let us know via our contact page.

“A genuine thank you to all of our supporters; our success and advancement in research is funded by your contribution. Thank you”

David Koetser & Jenny Waters